
Spruce Up is the name of our business of growing plants. Come experience Spruce Up Nursery As you browse through the grounds and greenhouses, you will hear and see birds and squirrels and insects. and you will hear the breezes blowing and sighing in the pine trees. Nature is at work here. There is a balance.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Well today is below zero for the first time this fall, December 9th, 2011.
The greenhouse  is heated with a wood air tight furnace with forced air draft, temperature of water at 110 , shuts off the blower until the temp drops 5 degrees.

The water circulates into the greenhouse, first through a heat exchanger to heat the potting room, then into the finpipe under the potted plants.

 A temperature probe in a pot of soil, regulates the opening and closing of a valve, so the plants don't get too hot.  Soil temp never gets up to 60 in the winter.  Plants like it cool, I get chilled as the air temp is much cooler. 
Today is forecast for sunny and warming up.  I can then work out there keeping the plants happy.
The barrel is growing a potatoe or two and last week I put Leeks in there.  They should like the cool weather and produce some edible plants in a few weeks.

Meanwhile I anticipate more veggies from the cool realms of the winter greenhouse.
My favorite at this time is Swiss Chard which is 2 seasons old.  I continue to harvest when I need some greens.  I expect it to bolt one day, but so far so good.  These plants are from the seed mix called Bright Lights.

One more picture before I finish today, (I am making up for 2 years of neglecting this blog)
This is 2 parsley plants growing in the ground bed.  there's enough here to keep my Spaghetti sauce flavored  and my breath fresh for a year.  I nibble it fresh, just like a rabbit.


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